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更新时间:2022-03-21 点击量:1051

       在3月,春暖花开的季节,让我们热烈恭贺中国农业大学的谭老师成功赢取了恒远生物“SCI文献奖学金"!谭老师之前订购了恒远生物高敏ELISA试剂盒,使用了我们的产品在《ADVANCED SCIENCE》杂志上发表了文献——Designing Self-Assembling Chimeric Peptide Nanoparticles with High Stability for Combating Piglet Bacterial Infections,IF影响因子高达16.8分!恒远生物在此也非常感谢谭老师对我们信任与支持,希望通过我们的不懈努力能为科研事业做出更大的贡献!让我们再次祝贺谭老师!


【文献标题】Designing Self-Assembling Chimeric Peptide Nanoparticles with High Stability for Combating Piglet Bacterial Infections

【作者】Peng Tan, Qi Tang, Shenrui Xu,et.al

【作者单位】中国农业大学(China Agricultural University)



小鼠白介素1β (IL-1β)ELISA试剂盒






Blood was collected from the orbital vein of the mice, and using an enzyme-linked immunoassay to analyze cytokine levels in the serum. The inflammatory factor kit was purchased from Shanghai Hengyuan Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Moreover, compared with the saline treatment group, the levels of pro-inflammatory factors TNF-α, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-1 (IL-1) in the serum of mice in the peptide nanoparticle treatment group were significantly reduced (Figure 6j–l). These cytokines are key factors affecting the inflammatory response in acute sepsis. Considering the action mechanism of peptide nanoparticles, combining them with LPS to reduce the circulation of endotoxins in vivo may limit the immunogenic potential of mice.[41] These results indicate that peptide nanoparticles not only exert direct antibacterial effects but also have immunomodulatory properties. These effects complement each other and help prevent systemic bacterial infections. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining showed pathological changes in the tissues of infected mice, including hepatocyte damage, vacuoles around the glomerulus, and inflammatory cell infiltration (Figure 6i). After peptide nanoparticle treatment, tissue damage was largely prevented or restored
