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更新时间:2020-12-16      阅读:764

【文献标题】The response of performance in grower and finisher pigs to diets formulated to different tryptophan to lysine ratios

【作者】Liu J.B,Yan H.L,Cao S.C,et.al

【作者单位】西南科技大学(Southwest University of Science and Technology)



【关键词】Broken-line,Pig,Requirement,Standardized ileal digestible,Tryptophan to lysine ratio



出版期刊】《Livestock Science》


The feed ingredient and diet samples were analyzed following AOAC (2006) procedures for CP, ether extract, crude fiber, and Ca and P concentration. The AA profile of ingredients and diets were analyzed using HPLC (Hitachi L-8800 AA Analyzer; Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) after one of 3 hydrolysis procedures (AOAC, 2006). Most of the AA were determined after acid hydrolysis in 6 N HCl at 110 °C for 24 h. For the determination of S-containing AA, the oxidation process was performed before the acid hydrolysis using performic acid. The analysis of Trp was performed after alkaline hydrolysis. The SUN concentration was determined using a biochemical analytical instrument (Byer Diagnostics Manufacturing Ltd., Dublin, Ireland). The plasma cortisol was determined by using an Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay kit for porcine cortisoldetermination (Hengyuan Bio-technology, Shanghai,China). The intra-assay coefficient of variation was 10%.






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